Before and After: A Remodel Story

14 September 2017

The house was listed as a "charming cottage" and it had been all but abandoned for two years. 

Thankfully by the time we moved in the previous owners had removed all the stuff. The last fixer upper we bought was full of personal property that we had to deal with and it was such a time suck. You know that it's pretty much trash, but you don't want to accidentally throw away something super valuable. 

We punched out this wall to widen the entry from the living room to the kitchen/dining room. 

Walking into the kitchen and turning right we have the nook:
Kitchen Before:
Kitchen After:
Dining before:
Dining After:
Kids room before:
Old Master bedroom before:
We punched out that back wall to end up with this:

We took the third bedroom - which was too small to actually count as a bedroom - and expanded it into this:

And added a master bath:

Above is the side yard after we'd done a considerable amount of work on it. It had a deck that was rotted through and a "sauna" which had trees growing out of it. We got into so much poison ivy on the weekend of this picture.

So there you have the buttoned up version of what was a very grueling process.  

We'd planned on selling the house, but after the hurricane we decided to rent it out to some flood victims, which I'm really happy to be able to do. 

Even though the house survived Harvey with no damage, it was hit by looters who stole the appliances -and my banjo and Jacob's guitar - in the hurricane's aftermath. Looking at all these photos is bringing some sweetness back to the recent frustration of being robbed. I hope you've enjoyed them!


  1. It is so gorgeous!!! I wish we could hire you guys to come work on our place! And I'm so sorry to hear about the looters 😔😔😔 What jerks to take your BANJO!!! That makes me more angry than the appliances 😔

  2. That is a beautiful house! You guys did an incredible job.

  3. I'm for sorry that your place was looted! How awful!

    You guys did an amazing job. I don't think I've seen a more satisfying before and after post. When do you guys sign your tv show contract?

  4. Beautiful work! So sorry about the looting. I am sure that the people who rent will be happy to have such a loved space.

  5. My gosh, that is a beautiful house. I'm going to ditto Jacqui's comment and ask when HGTV is signing you on?

    Too bad about the looting, though. Especially the guitar & banjo! :(

  6. Ugh. I'm so sorry about the looting; that has to be so so so frustrating.

    But the house looks fantastic! You guys did a great job on it!!

  7. Kate! That is just the CUTEST!!!! I am so sorry about the looting, though. Oh my goodness!

  8. Amazing job; and what a wonderful idea to rent to those displaced by the Hurricane!

    Sorry about the looters :(

  9. I love it so much! I'm sorta horrified at the before pictures, which I assume were listing pictures, which I hope meant you got it for a super song!

    I also can't handle that people stole your appliances. APPLIANCES!?! So wrong and awful.

  10. Wow!! Seriously impressive! Bravo!!
    Ps- I really enjoy reading your blog- it makes me wish we lived near each other so we could all be friends. :)

  11. You have the most flawless taste I've ever seen

  12. I am DYING over the cabinet color and the planked ceiling in the bathroom. It is so amazingly gorgeous!


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