The Lucy Dress

28 May 2014

I made a dress, and I named it Lucy.
If you haven't figured it out yet, this is not a sewing blog.

According to feedly it is a #catholic blog. I didn't realize I was so heavy-handed. I always figured I was a #family blog that would hopefully grow up into a #lifestyle blog. I hoped the #catholic part would be featured like salt in an entree, essential, pervasive but not necessarily featured.

All that to say. This is not a sewing blog. I'm not a seamstress. I know nothing about sewing that the internet and Jacob haven't taught me. I don't follow any sewing blogs, so I have no idea about sewing blog etiquette. But I sew things sometimes, and I have a blog, and the coincidence of those things means that you guys get to see pictures of what I sew.
It's of course a super common style baby dress. It's very similar to Made by Rae's Geranium Dress - she has her 0-3 mo pattern available for free. Lucy had this one:
that Morgan and Opal graciously graciously sent her. She wore it furiously for three weeks before she outgrew it. Since that fateful day I have intended to make her a similar one. I figured it couldn't be that hard, and the other day I found myself with a husband who was home and couldn't work on his projects because of the rain, and I plugged my way through the process as he walked the baby in the Ergo and watched The League.
I used fabric from a many years old skirt and was able to recycle the hems and some of the detailing.
I'm overall pretty pleased with the result, except my buttonholes scream novice. I practiced and practiced and somehow at game time I managed to botch two of the three.

Fashioning the back closure took longer than the whole rest of the project put together including guessing up the pattern.

Anyhow, now Lucy June can put something new into her rotation of Jake's hand me downs.

I will probably be making her another one soon because my sewing energy comes in waves every six months or so, and I'm planning on riding this crest awhile. Maybe I'll convert the pattern - as ridiculously simple as it is - into a PDF and share it with you if I work out some of the kinks.


  1. Nice work, Kate- it's adorable!!

  2. WOW. I'm super impressed! I tried a dress like that for J when she was Lucy's age and it ended up fitting a Barbie. And yes -- buttonholes are TOUGH.

    You're a master.

  3. Oh my gosh, this is precious!! You are amazing!

  4. Lovely! I'm hopeless with buttonholes - have you tried loops instead? So much easier! I used this tutorial for the girls' Easter dresses and it's free with pattern pieces and all :)

  5. YES! Even though my sewing machine is dusty and unused, at least I can say my old skirt got put to good use! ;) And it's like a long distance hug from me to your sweetie girl whom I've yet to meet. <3

  6. Perfect for Mass :) but seriously, super cute dress

    1. I had every intention of making it for Easter...When was Easter again?

  7. It looks great!! Adam gave me a book of girls' clothes patterns from The Cottage Mama for Christmas. It was one of those thoughtful but also "thanks for giving me something I have no time to use, honey" gifts. One of these days I'll dust it off and make some dresses for the girls.

  8. You're so fab.

    The dress is adorable, but my second favorite part about this post is Jacob + Lucy June + the Ergo + The League.

  9. So adorable. And buttonholes are the WORST!

  10. So sweet! Buttonholes are a pain. On my birthday, I was so set on figuring them out, that Ian took Iggy out for a few hours so I could devote myself to said buttonholes. I mastered them, and so can you.

    Also, that was the strangest birthday present anyone has ever given me.

    1. Today, a friend of mine is taking the kids for a couple hours and I was wondering how I'd spend the time...buttonholes it is!

  11. The only thing worse than buttonholes are zippers. No wait, SLEEVES! It turned out so cute.

  12. Super cute! Love it!

  13. That dress is too cute! You did a great job!

  14. I just love the front so much!! So cute!!

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  17. That’s right Smotrs…. The guy sure knows his Excel stuff. Would love to see the code to do this. |


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