09 January 2013

By George, I think she's blogging!

You have exclaimed (per post title) and you have been correct. I'm actually blogging in today to say hi to all you lovelies (and Michael as always) (and apparently Robert).

We have been a bit under water recently. For 97% of the last 35 days I have either had a guest or was a guest. The holidays were a flurry of faces and friendlies. Our last guests for the foreseeable future left just yesterday, and now I'm in syllabus land. 

Usually I teach two sections of the same course, but this semester I'm teaching different courses so I have to write two syllabi. (Darn you, lazy students, who couldn't drag your bums out of bed for my 8am Poetry class and got it canceled and replaced by a composition course full of students who failed last semester. So yes...I am looking forward to another class full of class. )

The holidays were lovely. We spent Christmas with Jacob's family in the Northwest. See.


We unwrapped some Inuit sculptures from Jacob's mom.


We hugged some adorable babies.

Scrumptious cheeks: my nephew's
Awkwardly rosy ear: mine
And what would Christmas be without a fire-obsessed toddler?

 We then huffed on down to Texas for the New Year and a second Christmas with these cats.


In good form, my mother sent us on a treasure hunt that had us huddling in hallways

and trudging out in extreme weather.

Such were the holidays, and I'll just have to stop there because blogger is starting to give me that error message - probably because I got photo-happy? - does this only happen to me?

Have a jolly Wednesday! I'll try to be back soon.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the guest/being a guest...it's exhausting! We are currently up in Napa (first world problems, but we will miss our bed) because we are renting our apartment out through air bnb again! haha :)
